Thursday, 25 September 2014

A Writer's Soul

I am angry, my body shaking from
Holding it in. Being dismissed, ignore
Discredited. One minute a child, the
Next a young lady. My hopes and dreams are

Mocked, my opinions put aside, because
Of my age, my youth and my innocence.
No one sees beyond the physical, into
The mind, the very essence of a person.

I have seen worlds burn to the ground, lived a 
Thousand lives, felt a thousand pains, suffering
Beyond comprehension. I have felt the
Loss of hope, I have had nothing to lose.

I am a reader, a writer. Words my 
Only escape, flowing through my veins, swirling
Under my skin, a silent storm of Ice
And Fire, waiting to be free from their cage. 

Monday, 22 September 2014

Human Instinct

Happy the man who is angry and scared,
For he is fundamentaly mortal
More honest with himself, and the world, dared
Speak his mind, protest inhuman morals.

Anger shaped humans throughout history,
Fear, the driving force of humanity
Has made us stronger, faster, blood pumping
Through our veins, to the brain, helping thoughts bloom.

From the trenches of war, humanity
Rose from ashes. anger, their powerful
Incentive, building civilisation
From ruin, in ungodly lands, they strived.

Happy the man who is angry and scared,
For he is a Creator, a fighter,
Poet, a knight of the Unwritten Word.
The building block of a better world

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Night I Became One With Time

I traveled along a dark path one night,
I found myself alone with a strange man
Who told me he could show me the last light.
The light at the very end of the time plan.
I grabbed his hand, and we ran away through time,
I saw things beyond my wildest dreams, things
That should not exist, that are sublime.
I saw the fall and the rise of great kings
Saw the beginning of all, Creation.
I saw pain and anguish, everlasting.
The end, damnation of generations.
My life came flashing, understanding;
Only through time I was able to see
All that makes us human, all the beauty.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The World Teens Live In

School is a prison
Its where ideas,
And dreamers,
Go to die.
They teach us to conform,
To abide by their rules.
They tell us that we have a say,
A voice in the world.
They are there for us,
If ever we need help.
These are lies.
They do not care, do not listen.
Students are screaming,
Their throats raw from the effort.
Yet we are written off,
As hormonal, disruptive teens.
We are bullied, pushed to our limits,
By our peers.
Going to the principal,
Or the guidance counselor,
Will not make a difference.
They are too busy,
To worry about our petty problems.
They take away our art programs,
And our history classes,
Then blame us for our outrageous behavior.
How to talk to your teen,
How to understand them,
Are common books and articles.
We are people.
We hurt, we laugh, we cry, we dream.
Just like you.
We are people,
Trying to find our way in a world
Where everything is broken.